Cell Phones

Cell phones are permitted. As a courtesy to others, all audible ringers must be turned off, and users should speak quietly.

Child Safety

The Jefferson Parish Library is providing the following information as an introduction to Child Safety and the Internet. As with all library materials, parents, guardians, and caregivers are responsible for their children's use of the Internet. Remember, if your child is going to use the Internet, you, as a parent, should take time to learn more about it. To assist you, we have listed several websites about child safety on the Internet. 

The Internet is an unregulated worldwide computer network which provides easy access to a massive body of information. It is used by a wide variety of people, mirroring our society. While most Internet users are well-mannered and respectful, some are not. Children can come in contact with all types of people while using the Internet. You would never allow your young children to play near a busy road without supervision nor would you want them "playing" on the Internet without your guidance.

Helpful links

Center for Democracy and Technology  www.cdt.org/privacy
Electronic Privacy Information Center www.epic.org
Learn about Cookies    www.cookiecentral.com
Child Safety on the Information Highway www.safekids.com
CyberAngels www.cyberangels.org
Disney's CyberNetiquette Comix  www.cybernetiquette.disney.com
EduHound Schools on the Web www.eduhoundschoolsontheweb.com
Online Safety www.safekids.com
Parents Guide to the information Superhighway www.childrenspartnership.org
Protecting Your Children in Cyberspace www.familyguidebook.com
Safe Teens www.safeteens.com
WiredSafety www.wiredsafery.org

Library Display/Distribution Policy

The Jefferson Parish Library maintains in many of its facilities bulletin boards for the posting of materials and designated areas (such as literature racks and spaces on countertops and tables) for the passive distribution of information. Distribution or posting of materials by the Library does not necessarily indicate the Library’s endorsement of the issues or events promoted by those materials.


The Library strives to provide this service within the space limitations of each branch and observing the following guidelines.

  • Our first priority for our public forum space is for materials about library services, programs, and events;
  • Our second priority for our public forum space is for materials from the Friends of The Jefferson Public Library;
  • Our third priority for our public forum space is for materials from other governmental entities such as the parish, state and federal governments;
  • Our final priority for available space is for information from other groups which must meet guidelines as stated below.

Guidelines for public forum materials

A limited number of bulletin board and distribution areas are available within the Library system for the posting and passive distribution of materials from other entities. In each facility, the branch or department manager (or designee) of a library facility may designate specific areas as available for these purposes. A branch or department manager (or designee) must authorize all posting and distribution before it occurs.

The following types of posters and items will be considered for display as space permits:

  • Items from nonprofit organizations;
  • Non-commercial, non-partisan, non-doctrinal items as determined by branch manager (or designee);
  • Items announcing educational or cultural events, such as plays, lectures, concerts;
  • Items announcing local events of a non-commercial, non-partisan, non-doctrinal nature as determined by branch manager (or designee).* An event of a purely neighborhood interest need only be posted at the neighborhood branch;
  • Items relating to books, reading, and literacy;
  • Local newspapers and magazines of a non-commercial, non-partisan, and non-doctrinal nature as determined by branch manager (or designee).

*Events having an admission charge are acceptable if they meet the above criteria.

General Prohibitions

  • Materials that mention events that are not open to the general public;
  • Materials that support or oppose any current or pending ballot measure or political candidate. The Library is not intended to be a forum for the support or opposition of political candidates or ballot measures. Official election information, such as the League of Women Voters’ Pamphlets, is made available in the Library;
  • Materials that advocate the beliefs, views, or doctrines of any denomination, sect, or group over those of any other;
  • Materials asking Library visitors to sign a petition or letter are not permitted.

Terms for Use

All materials posted or distributed must comply with this policy and any other applicable Library regulations or guidelines. No other materials may be posted or distributed.

To ensure equitable access to limited display space available at each facility, a branch or department manager (or designee) may establish criteria for that facility regarding posting and distribution of material including:

  • the maximum size of material to be posted or distributed;
  • the maximum number of materials to be posted or distributed;
  • the maximum length of time materials may remain posted or displayed;
  • the maximum amount of time before or after an event a posting may occur;
  • the frequency with which material may be posted or displayed by the same non-profit organization; and
  • consistent methods for allocating space should the amount of material exceed the space available for posting or distribution.

All posting and placement of materials in distribution areas shall be done by personnel from the Jefferson Parish Library. Individuals requesting posting or distribution shall not themselves post or leave materials in distribution areas.

Materials left for posting or distribution without authorization from the Library will be discarded.

The Library assumes no responsibility for the preservation or protection of materials posted or distributed. Materials will not be returned.

The Library Director, or his/her designee, is responsible for the administration of this policy on a system-wide basis. Branch managers are responsible for the administration of this policy within their facilities.


Jefferson Parish Library welcomes donations of art, artwork and collectibles from community groups, organizations, or individuals. Items of historical and community-wide interest are preferred.  

Donations are accepted with the understanding that they become the sole property of the Jefferson Parish Library. The Library will make all decisions regarding their retention and location and all considerations relating to their use, display, or disposition. It is the Library’s expectation that the items will be added to the collection. Every effort is made to accept only items appropriate for use or display in the Library; however, all gifts are accepted with the understanding that they could be exchanged, given away, or sold by the Friends of the Jefferson Public Library.


The Jefferson Parish Library has a number of exhibit cases that are available for exhibits by and for the Library’s patrons. Exhibits may also be placed in free-space areas of Jefferson Parish Library locations. The following policies apply to placing any exhibits in a Jefferson Parish library.

  1. Application for any exhibit must be submitted and approved at least one week in advance of the desired date. The application and waiver forms must be signed and returned before approval will be considered. No publicity or arrangements regarding the event are to be made until the exhibit has been approved.
  2. Exhibits placed or sponsored by the Library itself will have first priority.
  3. The manager or library staff member in charge may determine the length of time a exhibit may be exhibited. Exhibits planned for longer than one month must be approved by the Director. Exhibits intended to be left for longer than two months should be maintained (i.e., dusted, rearranged, etc., as appropriate) by the individual or group placing the exhibit.
  4. The individual or group placing the exhibit assumes responsibility for the arranging and removing of all exhibit items. (Exhibits should be identified by the sponsoring individual or group).
  5. All exhibits are placed at the owner’s responsibility. The Library will take reasonable care that deposited items are not broken or vandalized by the viewing public; however, Jefferson Parish and the Jefferson Parish Library does not assume liability for any loss or damage to these items provided that reasonable care is exercised.
  6. Exhibits must be appropriate and in keeping with the Library’s Mission & Vision statements which follow. Final approval of the exhibit rests with the Library administration.

    Mission Statement
    The mission of the Jefferson Parish Library is to provide the highest quality library service to our citizens and to supply the tools needed for information, enrichment and enjoyment.

    Vision Statement
    The vision of the Jefferson Parish Library is to make a positive difference in our community and to keep our citizens moving toward the future with the knowledge and skills needed for the next century.

  7. Suitable types of exhibits include hobby collections, artifacts, handicrafts, photographs, art objects, and other items of general interest. Exhibit materials that advocate any specific political, philosophical, or religious viewpoint are not allowed in Jefferson Parish libraries.
  8. Any exhibit placed in a Library must be non-commercial and may not contain any reference to sales, donations, or solicitation of products or services.

Experience Pass Policy


The Jefferson Parish Library Experience Pass Program will allow library patrons to reserve passes to local and regional museums and other institutions, giving patrons the opportunity for enriching educational, recreational, and cultural experiences.


  • Experience Pass – a pass or ticket that is checked out to JPL patrons for a designated date(s) and time(s) and can be used for entrance to a partner institution according to the policies approved by the institution.
  • Library patron – any Jefferson Parish resident who is a Jefferson Parish Library cardholder and whose account is in good standing.

Experience Pass Policy

  • Passes are only valid for Jefferson Parish Library cardholders, ages 18+, who reside in Jefferson Parish. Passes are not valid for those with a temporary library card or cardholders from any other parish.
  • Passes may be reserved by library patrons online, in person, or by phone.
  • Passes may be reserved library patrons no more than once per month per partner organization.
  • Passes are only valid for the date displayed on the pass confirmation.
  • Multiple passes may not be reserved for the same day.
  • Pass reservations may be canceled online, in person at a library branch, or by phone.
  • Printed or digital pass confirmations will be accepted for entry.
  • Jefferson Parish Library card will not be accepted for entry.
  • The patron named on the pass must be present to redeem. Please have a photo ID ready at check-in for your visit.
  • Passes may not be exchanged, transferred, or refunded.
  • Attempts to duplicate, alter, or sell passes will result in denied admittance.
  • Neither the partner organization nor the Jefferson Parish Library is responsible for unauthorized duplication, lost, or stolen passes.
  • All partner organizations reserve the right to refuse entry to any pass holder.

Library Fines & Fees

Fines for overdue materials: per day / maximum

Books: 15¢ / $5.00 per item
Magazines: 15¢ / $3.00 per item
7-day and 14-day books: 15¢ / $5.00 per item
Interlibrary loans: $1.00 / $5.00 per item
CD's: 50¢ / $5.00 per title
DVD's: $1.00 / $5.00 per title
WiFi Hotspot: $15 / $50 per item

Other library fees:

Copies, letter or legal size paper, black-and-white, per page: 15¢
Copies, letter or legal size paper, color, per page: 50¢
Copies, 11" x 17" paper, black-and-white, per page: 25¢
Copies, 11" x 17" paper, color, per page: 75¢
Credit Card Fee: $2.00
Flash Drives - 16GB: $8.00
Headphones: $2.00
Library card replacement: $1.00
A-V case replacement: $2.00
Handling and replacement fee for lost items: $5.00
Damaged book: $1.00 minimum, up to cost of book
Interlibrary loan FAX/photocopy, per printed page: 15¢ + an extra fee if the lending library charges one with a $3.00 non-refundable deposit
Interlibrary loan materials, excluding microfilm: free unless a fee is set by lending library
Interlibrary loan microfilm: $3.50 minimum, but it could be more if a higher fee is set by lending library

Patrons are delinquent for:

More than 3 books overdue
More than $25.00 owed for overdue items returned and items returned lost
More than $25.00 owed for items billed
Three Active Claims Returned

Electronic Use Policy for the Jefferson Parish Library


The mission of the Jefferson Parish Library is to provide the highest quality library service to our citizens and to supply the tools needed for information, enrichment and enjoyment.

 Internet Use Policy for Jefferson Parish Libraries


The Jefferson Parish Library provides limited access to the Internet as a service to our patrons. The Internet is a resource that enables Library patrons to connect to information beyond that contained in the Library's collection. The Library is not a commercial Internet service provider. It is the Library's policy to provide Internet access to the public within the limits of available space, equipment, time, personnel, and other resources. The Library cannot guarantee access to the Internet at any given time. The Library is not open to the public for all forms of expressive activity. In offering Internet access, it is not the intent of the Library to create a public forum with respect to the receipt and communication of information through the Internet.

The Library may recommend interesting, useful and legal Internet destinations and resources for Library patrons to access and explore. However, the Internet is currently an ungoverned and unregulated source of both verified and unverified information. While the Internet does contain a wealth of useful material, it also provides access to sites containing material that some patrons may find offensive or objectionable as well as access to sites that may be illegal, unlawful, or obscene.

This Internet Policy is intended to affirm and serve to advance the following governmental interests:

(A) The protection of children from exposure to obscene material, child pornography, material harmful to them; and

(B) The aid and support of parents and/or the guardians of children in the discharge of their primary responsibility for their children's well-being; and

(C) The prevention of the creation of a sexually hostile work environment for the library patrons and employees, and the prevention of discriminatory conduct; and

(D) The maintenance of discipline and order, and the limitation of disruptions in the study or work environment of the Library; and

(E) The minimization of providing access to illegal pornography; and

(F) The aid and support of Federal and State criminal and civil laws designed to deter and punish trafficking in obscenity, child pornography, stalking, and harassment by means of computer; and

(G) With respect to minors, the exclusion of material which is "pervasively vulgar" or "educationally unsuitable" for the respective recipient age group.

In providing computer access as an information resource, such as the use of or providing access to or through the Internet, World Wide Web, or an interactive computer service (as defined in 47 U.S.C. § 230 (e) (1) and (2) and § 231 (e) (1) and (3)), the Library realizes that electronic display is more public in nature than other print media. It also recognizes that while it is impossible to monitor totally all the information or images that can be accessed on the Internet, some amount of control can be exercised. The Library will seek to facilitate, provide, and encourage Internet use in its facilities that is in accord with general community standards. The public dissemination of obscene material or child pornography is not necessary nor required under the Library's mission and is inconsistent with public policy and community standards. The Library also seeks to avoid and minimize the opportunity that unrestricted access to the Internet would result in exposure and exhibition of offensive sexual materials that could contribute to hostile work place or other sexual harassment or discipline problems with the Library environment.


(A) Obscene. The policy of the Jefferson Parish Library prohibits the utilization of any library computer to access to sources of information or images that are obscene, including hard-core pornography depicting sexual conduct where penetration of the genitals is clearly visible and other explicitly sexual pornographic representations of sexual conduct ("Ultimate sexual acts, normal or perverted, actual or simulated, masturbation, excretory functions, and lewd exhibition of the genitals" ) within the scope of federal, state, and parish obscenity laws, including but not limited to La. R.S. 14:106, and Jefferson Parish Code of Ordinances Sec. 20-75 et seq., and the constitutional test for obscenity provided by the United States Supreme Court in the "Miller Test" announced in Miller v. California, 413 U.S. 15, 37 L.Ed.2d.419, 93 S.CT. 2607 (1973), Smith v. United States, 431 U.S. 291, 300-02, 309, 52 L.Ed. 324, 97 S.Ct. 1756 (1977), Pope v. Illinois, 481 U.S. 497, 500-01, 95 L.Ed. 439, 107 S.Ct. 1918 (1987), etc.

(B) Child Pornography. The policy of the Jefferson Parish Library prohibits the utilization of any library computer to access images that are considered Child Pornography, containing a visual representation of a minor under 18 years of age engaging in sexually explicit conduct, as defined in 18 U.S.C. § 2256, La. R.S. 14:81.1 and Jefferson Parish Code of Ordinances Sec. 20-75 et seq.

(1) There is an inference, which may be rebutted, that a participant in sexual activity, depicted as a minor through its title, text, visual representation, or otherwise, is a minor.

(2) As used herein, sexual activity includes sexual acts by minors such as intercourse, oral sex, and includes "lascivious exhibition of the genitals or pubic area." In determining when genital or pubic area exhibitions are "lascivious," guidance shall be drawn by the following factors discussed in United States v. Dost, 636 F. Supp. 828, 832 (S.D. Cal. 1986), affirmed, sub nom, United States v. Wiegund, 812 F.2d 1239, 1244 (9th Cir 1987), cert. Denied, 484 U.S. 856 (1987):

(a) Examples of sexually suggestive or lewd photographs of children would be those in which the child is depicted as half or partially clothed, posed in such a way as to depict or suggest a willingness to engage in sexual activity or a sexually coy attitude.

(b) In determining whether a visual depiction of a minor constitutes a lewd or lascivious exhibition of the genitals or pubic area, the following factors, among any others, may be relevant in the particular case:

(i) whether the focal point of the visual depiction is on the child's genitalia or pubic area;

(ii) whether the setting of the visual depiction is sexually suggestive, i.e., in a place or pose generally associated with sexual activity;

(iii) whether the child is depicted in an unnatural pose, or in inappropriate attire, considering the age of the child;

(iv) the child is fully or partially clothed, or nude;

(v) whether the visual depiction suggests sexual coyness or a willingness to engage in sexual activity;

(vi) the visual depiction is intended or designed to elicit a sexual response in the viewer.

A visual depiction need not involve all of these factors to be a lewd or lascivious exhibition of a minor's genitals or pubic area. A determination may be made based on the overall content of the visual depiction, taking into account the age of the minor and the nature of the work and its context, promotions, or marketing. 

(C) Material Harmful to Minors. It is the Policy of the Jefferson Parish Library to limit or restrict access to images that could be believed to be "obscene as to minors" or "Harmful to Minors," as that term is used in 47 U.S.C. § 231 (e) (6), La. R.S. 14:91.11 and Jefferson Parish Code of Ordinances Sec. 20-75 et seq., for the age groups of minors who may be exposed to such materials whenever any computer providing access to the Internet or other interactive computer service is being used by a minor, who does not have on file with the Library written permission from a parent or guardian for use of such unrestricted computer terminal. 


(A) Any library patron who finds himself or herself blocked from an Internet site he or she believes contains material that does not meet the Criteria listed in Sections 2 (A), (B), or (C), above, and desires to access said Internet site, may make a request that the Library unblock the specified site. If the Library determines that the site does not fall within the Criteria listed in Sections 2 (A), (B), or (C), the Library shall unblock said Internet site.

(B) When a request is received for a determination that a site does not fall within the Criteria listed in Section 2(A) or 2(B), the Library must make its decision as soon as possible, but not later than the close of the following working day. If a decision is not made by such time, the request shall be granted pending review. The Library shall bear the burden of proof that the websites the patron seeks access to falls within the Criteria listed in Section 2(A) or 2(B) or otherwise falls outside of the protection of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution and Article 1 § 7 of the Louisiana Constitution.


Because the Internet includes some information which parents and guardians may deem to be unsuitable for their children, parents and guardians must provide the necessary guidance and oversight of their children. They are the primary ones who may make decisions regarding whether to permit their children to have Internet access at the Library. Parents and guardians must ensure that they take all appropriate parental and guardian actions in respect to the use of the Internet at the Library by their minor children. The Library and its staff cannot act in the place of a parent or guardian.


The Library has no control over the information contained on the Internet and is not responsible for its contents.

The Library cannot verify or be held responsible for the accuracy, reliability, quality, timeliness, or legality of information found on the Internet. The Library cannot be held liable for the conduct of Internet users. The Library may not be able to control access to materials or protect patrons from materials they may find offensive. Library users access the Internet at their own discretion and risk, and they are responsible for evaluating the validity and appropriateness of information accessed.


Users should be aware that the Internet is not a secure or private medium and that third parties may be able to obtain information regarding user activities. However, the Library will not release information on the use of specific Internet resources by any users except required by law or as legally permitted and necessary for the proper operation of the Library.

As a condition of the Internet use at the Library, each user must agree to comply with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations, including without limitation, all rules and regulations which may be established from time to time by the Library. Further, each user must agree to take no action on the Internet which could cause the Library to incur any expense beyond the general access fees. By initiating use, the user agrees to the fullest extent permitted by law to hold the Library harmless from any liability for any wrongful conduct of the user, including without limitation, any such unauthorized expense, costs, and attorney's fees.

The Library reserves the right to refuse access to the Internet to any person for the violation of this or any other policy of the Library, in accordance with applicable law.

The following rules for the use of all Library Internet Computers are adopted and established as an integral part of this policy:


(1) Each user shall be deemed to agree, by advancing beyond the initial computer screens, to abide by the Jefferson Parish Library Internet Use Policy.

(2) Copyright: U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S. Code) prohibits the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of copyrighted materials, except as permitted by the principles of "fair use." Subject to fair use, users may neither reproduce copyrighted materials (text, images, programs, and/or data) nor distribute such materials by any means (including electronic mail) without the explicit written permission of the copyright holder. Responsibility for any consequences for copyright infringement lies with the user. The Library expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility or responsibility resulting from such use. 

(3) Only Library staff may reboot, restart, or log onto the Library's Internet computers.

(4) Users may not make unauthorized entry into other computational, informational, or communication services or resources.

(5) Users may not present themselves or the Library by using computer accounts, access codes, numbers, passwords, signatures, or network identification assigned to others. This includes using someone else's personal library card to utilize the computers.

(6) Users may not invade the privacy of others at any time or in any way.

(7) Users may not send, receive, or display obscene materials, child pornography, and/or other materials prohibited under applicable local, state, and federal laws.

(8) Users may not use the Internet for illegal activities, including the violation of the rights of third parties.

(9) Users may not make any attempt to damage or alter the Library's computer equipment, software, or data and/or the equipment, software, or data of others.

(10) Due to the danger of a computer virus affecting the Library computer system, users may not download any materials to the computer's hard drive or any floppy drive.

(11) Public access computers may be monitored remotely.

Violation of the Library's Internet Use Policy and of any other rules and regulations may result in a loss of access to the Internet (including the World Wide Web) through the Library's Internet connection and/or loss of other Library privileges. Unlawful activities may result in prosecution by local, state, and/or federal authorities. 


To the extent any provision of this policy or the application thereof to any circumstances is held invalid, the remainder of the policy and the application of such provisions to other persons and circumstances shall not be affected thereby.

If any section, sub-section, sentence, clause, or any part of this Policy is for any reason, held or declared to be unconstitutional, inoperative or void, such holding or invalidity shall not affect the remaining portions of this Policy; and it shall be construed to have been the Library's intent to adopt this Policy without such unconstitutional, inoperative, or invalid part therein; and, the remainder of this Policy, after the exclusion of such part or parts, shall be held and deemed to be valid as if such excluded parts had not been included herein.

Jefferson Parish reserves the right to make any changes in this policy at any time!

Obtaining a Library Card

Library cards are available free of charge to all Jefferson Parish residents.

Any type of library card that is issued requires a valid address.

People can meet the library’s ID and proof of Jefferson Parish address requirements by providing one of the following:

To qualify for a resident Jefferson Parish Library borrower's card, a person must meet ONE of the following criteria:

  1. Louisiana driver’s license with current Jefferson Parish address on front (or an official change of address on back of the license)
  2. Louisiana ID card with current Jefferson Parish address on front (or an official change of address on back of the card)
  3. Military or other photo ID with current Jefferson Parish address
  4. Consular ID or international driver’s license with current Jefferson Parish address

Alternatively, the library will accept two of the following (one must show current Jefferson Parish address):

  1. Louisiana driver’s license without current address; out-of-state driver’s license
  2. State, military or other government photo ID without current address
  3. Current rent receipt or rental/lease agreement dated within the last 60 days; mortgage document; tax bill; title to property
  4. Utility bill (electric, cable, phone, water) issued within last 30 days showing current address
  5. Official mail addressed to current address with a current postmark (within 30 days) - bank statement, insurance bill, credit card statement, etc.
  6. Business or other mail with an imprinted name, current address, and current postmark (within 60 days) - P.O. Box numbers not acceptable
  7. Check imprinted with name and current address
  8. Birth certificate; U.S. or foreign passport
  9. Social Security card; Medicare/Medicaid card
  10. Voter identification/registration card
  11. Resident alien card; temporary resident card
  12. Vehicle registration or proof of insurance
  13. University, college, or school ID
  14. Employment or work ID; current payroll stub issued within the last 30 days
  15. Social services identification; prison release document or letter from probation officer
  16. Anyone without a fixed address may use a letter certifying their Jefferson Parish resident status by the social service agency where he or she receives mail

The library also provides free library cards to people who own property in Jefferson Parish and pay Jefferson Parish property taxes. An individual must provide one of the following to prove s/he owns property in the parish: 1) property tax receipt; 2) title of property; 3) mortgage; or 4) An individual who does not live in Jefferson Parish but has a valid ID with current address may obtain a Guest card with limited privileges. Guest cards are valid for 6 months and are available for a fee.

A Guest Computer Card is also available for $2.00. The card is valid until midnight of the day purchased.

The library extends reciprocal library privileges (with some restrictions) to people who have valid New Orleans Public Library cards. 

For patrons age 17 and younger, Jefferson Parish Library offers parents and guardians five tiers of circulation access so they can choose what is most appropriate for their family.

  • Board books (ages 0-4)
  • Easy books and materials (ages 0-8)
  • Juvenile books and materials (ages 6-11)
  • Young Adult books and materials (ages 11-18)
  • All Access (includes Adult Collection)
  • Access to circulating digital content may also be restricted.

Beginning June 1, 2024, parents and guardians will need to fill out a minor card application for all new and renewing cards. All parents and guardians are welcome to review and reset their minor child’s circulation access at any time.

To renew an expired card, the person whose name is on the account must go to an Jefferson Parish Library location and present the card, a valid/acceptable photo ID and proof of current residence address in their name. Library cards expire every two years from the initial date/or renewal date.

All patrons renewing/replacing their library card, will need to pay all fines owed on the account.

Library of Things


The Library of Things (LoT) is a collection of items for borrowing that expands the idea of traditionally defined library materials. A natural evolution of Jefferson Parish Library’s existing lending model, this collection complements the library’s approach to meeting the needs of our diverse and growing community. A LoT supports the “sharing economy” by enabling our community to share items they may only need occasionally and contributes to sustainability efforts by reducing waste. The collection also offers an opportunity to “try before you buy,” saving community members money in the long run. With this collection, Jefferson Parish Library aims to offer the physical items needed to support lifelong learning and creativity. It supports the library’s mission to promote personal enrichment by connecting community members to information, ideas, items, culture, historical resources, and experiences, in a tradition of innovation and excellence. The LoT will provide new ways for patrons to interact and explore their library and their world. The collection supports the library’s vision to keep our citizens moving toward the future with the knowledge and skills needed for the next century. Patrons who borrow items from the Library of Things agree to abide by the Jefferson Parish Library’s LoT agreement form.

Types of Materials/Things Included in the Collection

The purpose of the Library of Things (LoT) is to provide diverse opportunities for learning, enrichment, and enjoyment. To further this goal, the LoT may include:

  • Arts & Crafts
  • Audiovisual equipment
  • Health and wellness items
  • Household & kitchen items
  • Musical instruments
  • Science & technology items
  • Games & outdoor recreation items


A valid adult (18+) Jefferson Parish Library card in good standing (no fines over $25.00) must be used to borrow an item from the Library of Things. Military and staff cards may be used. Reciprocal NOPL and guest cards cannot be used.

Due to the limited availability of LoT items, patrons may borrow up to 2 items at a time, per library card. Borrowers are required to check out and return the LoT items to the library at which the item was borrowed. Unless specified, items may not be returned to the book drop or another library branch. Items may be borrowed based on availability; no holds or reservations can be made for Library of Things items.

Unless noted, items are loaned for two weeks. Late items incur a fee of $1.00 per day with a max fee of $5.00. Patrons will be responsible for any damage to an item while it is in their possession, up to and including the price of replacing the item. Patrons will be made aware of prices when borrowing an item. Prices are also listed on the JPL website.

Not all library materials may be suitable for all members of the community. Responsibility for a child’s use of library materials, regardless of format or content, lies with the guardian, not with the library.

Loan Periods

Most LoT items may be borrowed for two-week intervals, depending on the item. Some items may be for use in the library only or may have other restrictions. A library card may be blocked immediately if an item becomes lost. Patrons can borrow an item again the next day. However, there may be other patrons waiting to borrow that particular item.

Acquisition of Materials

The Library of Things collection is developed and managed to meet the cultural, informational, educational, and recreational needs of library patrons in Jefferson Parish. The library’s professional staff will select materials based on those needs using the library’s Collection Development Policy. The library welcomes input from the community regarding the collection. A suggestion for purchase procedure enables patrons to request that a particular item or subject be purchased by the library. All suggestions are evaluated using the same selection criteria as for all other materials, and items are not automatically added to the collection.

Due to limited storage space and the staff time necessary to evaluate, test, and maintain each item, the library can accept only a limited number of donations through the Friends of the Jefferson Public Library. The library does not accept materials that are not outright gifts. Donations are accepted with the understanding that they become the sole property of the Jefferson Parish Library. The Library will make all decisions regarding their retention and location and all considerations relating to their use, display, or disposition. Materials donated to the library are given and received with the understanding that they are subject to the same selection, evaluation, and disposal criteria as material acquired for purchase. It is the Library’s expectation that the items will be added to the collection, and every effort is made to accept only items appropriate for use or display in the Library. However, all gifts are accepted with the understanding that they could be exchanged, given away, or sold by the Friends of the Jefferson Public Library. To inquire about a donation please email beyondbooks@jplibrary.net with a description of the item and your contact information.

Proper Use and Liability

Use care when handling items from the Library of Things. The borrower is solely responsible for items and will be billed for reasonable repair or replacement costs associated with damage or loss of items and/or components due to neglect or abuse. A list of replacement costs of LoT items and/or components is maintained by JPL.

Patrons will be asked to acknowledge and sign a lending agreement before borrowing any LoT item. *Please note: Lending agreement is not required for borrowing puzzles and board games.

Evaluation of Collections

The Jefferson Parish Library will use circulation data and community suggestions to guide future selections for the Library of Things collection. Items that are not popular and do not circulate will be withdrawn from library collections according to collection maintenance standards.

Library’s Use of Things

The library reserves the right to take an item out of circulation temporarily, without notice, to use for library purposes (workshops, demonstrations, or other programs), or to repair a damaged item.


  • Who can borrow an item?
    • A valid adult (18+) Jefferson Parish Library card in good standing* must be used to borrow an item from the Library of Things. Military and staff cards may be used. Reciprocal NOPL and guest cards cannot be used.
  • How long can I take out an item?
    • Patrons can borrow an item for 14 days, with no renewals.
  • Can I place a hold on an item?
    • No. At this time no holds or reservations can be made for Library of Things items.
  • Can I renew my item?
    • No, items are not renewable.
  • Where do I pick up my item?
    • Pick up the item at the assigned branch where the item is located. Check the online catalog or call the branch to verify it is available.
  • Where do I return my item?
    • Patrons must return items to the pickup location. Items cannot be placed in a book drop or returned to a different JPL location.
  • What if I lose or damage my item?
    • The borrower is responsible for items and will be billed for reasonable repair or replacement costs associated with damage, or loss of items and/or components due to neglect or abuse. Patrons will be asked to acknowledge and sign a lending agreement before borrowing a LoT item.
  • What does it mean for a library card to be “in good standing”?*
    • A library card in good standing means there are no blocks on the card. A block could be in place for a number of reasons including but not limited to: an expired card, multiple overdue items, or fines exceeding $25.00.

Have more questions? Want to see something in the collection that we don't have yet? Please contact beyondbooks@jplibrary.net. Thank you and happy borrowing!

The Jefferson Parish Library reserves the right to amend and change these guidelines at any time.

Meeting Room Policy

Meeting Rooms can now be booked online. Click here for more information.

Resolution No. 141285 adopted by the Jefferson Parish Council on February 8, 2023, amended the Jefferson Parish Meeting Room Procedures and Policies (Resolution No. 137889 adopted on June 30, 2021 & Resolution No. 139766 adopted on May 25, 2022) to provide a more uniform set of procedures and policies and to update both the rooms available and their cost and to provide for related matters.

The Library's meeting rooms are available for use by all government agencies, community organizations, and businesses in accordance with the amended Jefferson Parish Meeting Room Procedures and Policies.

Request for Reconsideration

Patrons who wish to question and/or have objections why materials were selected for the library can complete a Request for Reconsideration of Library Material form by visiting any Jefferson Parish Library location asking for one at the circulation desk or by emailing reconsideration@jplibrary.net. Once the form is submitted, a committee will review the title in question, including whether its selection is in accordance with the criteria stated in the library’s Collection Development Policy. The committee will make a recommendation to the Library Director who will then make a decision and send a letter to the person who requested the reconsideration of a title, stating the reasons for the decision. The Jefferson Parish Library subscribes to the provisions of the Library Bill of Rights and The Freedom to Read Statement as adopted by the American Library Association. No book or other material in question is automatically removed from the collection because of an objection to it.

Rules of Conduct

Welcome to Jefferson Parish Library. This library is supported by millages paid by the residents of Jefferson Parish. Accordingly, as we are publicly funded, our facilities should be clean, comfortable, and safe. To this end, the following rules of conduct shall apply uniformly to all patrons, volunteers and staff at this and other Jefferson Parish Library facilities:

Patrons, volunteers and staff shall be treated with courtesy and respect.
Library materials and property shall be treated with respect.
Library facilities shall be used safely and appropriately in the manner for which they were/are intended.

These rules of conduct shall be consistently and uniformly enforced in a fair and equitable manner. Library staff and/or local law enforcement officers will intervene to curb prohibited activities and behaviors. Failure to comply with the library's established rules, regulations, and policies may result in physical removal from the premises and may include arrest and prosecution. Repeated violations may also result in restricted or terminated library privileges, including the use of library computers and other library equipment.

For the comfort and safety of our patrons, volunteers, and staff, and the protection of library property, the following are not allowed on library property:

Engaging in any activity in violation of federal, state, local, or other applicable law, or library policy.
Carrying firearms and dangerous weapons of any type, except by law enforcement officers (Jefferson Parish Code of Ordinances, Sec 20-151.1).
Being under the influence of alcohol/illegal drugs, and selling, using, or possessing alcohol/illegal drugs (Louisiana Revised Statutes 14:103; RS 40:966).
Verbally or physically threatening or harassing patrons, volunteers, or staff, stalking, offensive touching, obscene or lewd acts including acts of a sexual nature, exhibitionism (indecent exposure), and voyeurism (peeping). Such acts shall be reported to local law enforcement officials (Louisiana Revised Statutes 14:103, RS 40:106).
Using abusive, vulgar or obscene language (Jefferson Parish Code of Ordinances, Sec 20-30); spitting on the floor or furniture.
Soliciting, panhandling or proselytizing, engaging in commercial activities, and conducting surveys not authorized by the library.
Failing to provide proper supervision of children. Adults are responsible for the conduct and safety of minors under their care while on library property.
Stealing, damaging, altering, or inappropriate use of library property in library facilities or on library grounds, including computer hardware and software, printers, copiers, phones, and other equipment. Thievery and vandalism will be reported to local law enforcement agency (Jefferson Parish Code of Ordinances, Sec 20-43).
Fighting or challenging to fight, running, pushing, shoving, or throwing objects (Louisiana Revised Statutes 14:103). Fighting will be reported to the local law enforcement officials.
Creating disruption through noises, loud talking, singing, screaming, or using audible devices without headphones, or with the volume set high enough to be disruptive even with headphones, using cell phones, pagers, and other communication devices in a manner that disturbs others. Audible cell phone and pager ringers shall be turned off while in the library.
Using restrooms for bathing, shampooing, shaving, doing laundry, changing clothes, or for any other purpose for which they were not intended. Library materials may not be taken into restrooms.
Smoking, chewing, and other tobacco use in library facilities or within 100 feet of library entrances (Jefferson Parish Code of Ordinances, Sec 20-122). This includes e-cigarettes.
Entering the library barefoot, without a shirt or being otherwise attired so as to be disruptive to the library environment.
Bringing in articles that are too large to fit under one library chair.
Using wheeled devices on library property or on library grounds, except in designated areas, including skateboarding, roller-skating, bicycling, scooters, and shopping carts (wheelchairs, walkers, and strollers excepted).
Sleeping or lying down on any couch, table, seat, or floor in the library or restrooms, blocking aisles, exits, or entrances by sitting or lying down in them (Jefferson Parish Code of Ordinances, Sec 20-101).
Bringing pets or animals, other than service animals necessary for disabilities, into the library, except as authorized by the library director.
Gambling and other group activities which are disruptive to the library environment.
Moving library furniture from where it is placed by library staff.
Trespassing in nonpublic areas, being in the library without permission of an authorized library employee before or after library operating hours, refusal to leave the library at designated closing times, disregard of fire regulations, or camping on library grounds (Jefferson Parish Code of Ordinances, Sec 20-45).
Failing to comply with reasonable staff requests.
Eating outside designated areas or consuming beverages from non-lidded containers.

As authorized by the library, food and non-alcoholic beverages may be consumed in library meeting rooms and at special events. Food consumption is further permitted within the refreshment area at East Bank Regional Library. Consuming beverages from lidded containers is permitted in the library. Lidded containers include covered coffee, water, soda, and juice cups, glass and plastic beverage bottles, and beverage cans. Alcoholic beverages are not allowed on library premises. Babies may be nursed in the library.

Patrons are asked not to leave their possessions unattended. The library is not responsible for the loss of unattended property.

Adopted June 21, 2005
Revised December 17, 2013 
Jefferson Parish Library Board

Study Room Policy

Jefferson Parish Library has a number of small study rooms at the East Bank Regional (EBR), North Kenner, Old Metairie, Wagner, and West Bank Regional (WBR) libraries. Larger study rooms are also available at the EBR (4 rooms), River Ridge (2 rooms), WBR (1 room), and Westwego (1 room) libraries. All of the rooms are available to individuals for study and/or conferencing during regular library hours on a first come/first serve basis. No fees are charged. The small study rooms can be used by one (1) person or a maximum of two (2) people, depending on the room. Scheduling is done by staff at the circulation desk and in special collections at EBR, the information desk and children’s desks at WBR, and the service desks at the other libraries. In the larger study rooms, there should be no more than four (4) individuals in the room at River Ridge and Westwego, six (6) individuals at EBR, and eight (8) individuals at WBR. There should be at least two (2) people at River Ridge and Westwego and three (3) at WBR and EBR. These aforementioned amounts are but guidelines. The staff at the information desk at WBR and in reference at EBR is responsible for scheduling the use of these rooms and they must obtain all of the information requested on the form.

Other Guidelines

  1. The rooms are available during regular library hours for individuals and/or small groups to use for studying and conferencing. They cannot be used as a primary meeting place for groups or individuals or a place to conduct business. Rooms can be used for tutoring as long as it is not for paid services. It should not be used for any other activities for which fees are charged in advance, off site, or on site.
  2. No advance reservations are allowed, and usage is on a first come/first serve basis. The user will inform the staff of the time needed. The time frame will be marked on the study room sheet. The user(s) should inform the staff when they are finished with the study room.
  3. No fees are charged for the use of these rooms. The user should have a valid Jefferson Parish Library card or Jefferson Parish Driver’s License or State of Louisiana ID card.
  4. Users must observe the Library’s Rules of Conduct. Failure to do so may result in denial of future use. No food is allowed. Users are also responsible for any damages in the rooms and are expected to leave rooms in neat condition with all scrap paper or any sort of debris removed and discarded in the trash. The staff will go by the time the user indicated they will be finished.
  5. Louisiana Revised Statutes 14.59 provides, “Whoever commits the crime of criminal mischief shall be fined not more than five hundred dollars, or be imprisoned for not more than six months in the parish jail, or both.” Criminal mischief includes the intentional performance of “placing graffiti upon immovable or movable property, whether publicly or privately owned, without the consent of the owner, by the means of the use of spray paint, ink, marking pens containing a non-water soluble fluid, brushes, applicators, or other materials for marking, scratching, or etching. Graffiti includes but is not limited to any sign, inscription, design, drawing, diagram, etching, sketch, symbol, lettering, name or marking placed upon immovable or movable property in such a manner and in such a location as to deface the property and be visible to the general public.”
  6. The user is responsible for any items left in the rooms including purses, wallets, phones, laptops and any other materials.

Library Policy for Unattended Children

The Jefferson Parish Library welcomes children of all ages and is dedicated to providing an exciting and safe environment for users of all ages. Many services and programs are offered to make the library enticing to children and to help them develop a love of books, reading and libraries. Sharing this environment with other users requires that everyone follow the Library's "Rules of Conduct" adopted by the Jefferson Parish Library Board on June 21, 2005 & revised on December 17, 2013 and posted in each library facility and on the library website.

The Library encourages children to use its facilities and services, but they should always be accompanied by a parent/guardian or assigned caregiver whenever in the library. The library is a public building, and as such, is not a safe place to leave a child unattended. Young children, left unattended, often become frightened, anxious and cry. Even though older children may be able to occupy their time for a short period, they often become bored, hungry, and disruptive, disturbing the enjoyment of other users and interfering with library operations. The responsibility for the safety and behavior of children in the library rests with the parent/guardian or assigned caregiver and not with library staff. Library staff cannot be responsible for children who are unattended or who demonstrate inappropriate behavior. 

Children eleven (11) years old and younger should not be left unattended in the library, and they should be under the authority of and accompanied by a parent/guardian or assigned caregiver. This also applies when children are attending programs in the Library. Children twelve (12) years of age and older may use the library unattended; however, the parent/guardian is responsible for the behavior of his/her child while in the library. It is also the responsibility of the parent/guardian to know the hours of the library and to pick up his/her child before the library closes. 

DEFINITION OF UNATTENDED CHILD:  A child age eleven (11) or younger who is not under the authority of a parent/guardian or assigned caregiver for extended periods of time on a regular basis, or a child of any age who is not picked up at closing time.

Wireless Access Policy

wifi logoThe Jefferson Parish Library provides FREE wireless access (aka "hot spots" & "WiFi") at all library locations for library customers to use with their own personal notebooks, laptops and other mobile devices. These access points are unsecured, accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and filtered to comply with CIPA regulations.

  1. Wireless access is provided to the public as a service free of charge on an "as is" basis with no guarantee or warranty.
  2. Users of our wireless service must agree to abide by the Jefferson Parish Library Internet Use Policy prohibiting sending, receiving, or displaying obscene or pornographic material.
  3. It is the user's sole responsibility to protect his/her information from all risks associated with using the Internet, including any damage, loss, or theft that may occur as a result of the use of the Library's wireless access.
  4. As with most public wireless "hot spots," the Library's wireless connection is not secure. There can be untrusted parties between you and anybody with whom you communicate with, and any information being transmitted could potentially be intercepted by another wireless user. Cautious and informed wireless users should choose not to transmit personal information (credit card numbers, passwords and any other sensitive information) while using any wireless "hot spot." Please take appropriate precautions when using this service.
  5. Library staff can provide general information connecting your device to the wireless network but cannot troubleshoot problems related to your wireless device, assist in making changes to your device's network settings and/or hardware configuration, or install wireless cards. The Library cannot guarantee that your device will work with the Library's wireless access points.
  6. The library assumes no responsibility for any alterations or interference with a laptop's configuration, operation, or data files resulting from connection to the wireless network.
  7. The library cannot guarantee that the service will be available at any specific time nor can the library accept reservations for wireless access.
  8. Virus and security protection is the user’s responsibility.
  9. The Library assumes no responsibility for the safety of equipment. Users must keep their equipment with them at all times and may only use electrical outlets in the study rooms, the study carrels or other outlets in the library as long as they do not create a safety hazard or interfere with library operations and/or other customers use of the Library.
  10. In using this free Internet access, the user agrees and hereby releases, indemnifies, and holds harmless the Jefferson Parish Library and its employees from any damage to his/her own equipment that may result from the use of this wireless access.
  11. Printing is not available via the wireless connection at this time.
  12. Wireless access is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  13. Any attempt to circumvent library procedures or any unauthorized attempt to access or manipulate library equipment will result in permanent disconnection from the library's wireless network.
  14. The library filters all Internet access. This filter blocks those sites that violate the Federal Children's Internet Protection Act and/or the Jefferson Parish Library's Internet Use Policy. Filter Removal Requests will not be honored on laptop computers.


What do I need to access the wireless network?
To access the Library's wireless network, you need a laptop (or suitable PDA or other portable device) equipped with an 802.11 b/g/n compatible wireless card. Some portable devices have wireless cards built-in while others may require you to purchase a compatible card to plug into it. Installation of the card and its associated software will vary depending upon specific device, card and operating system. Your device must be configured DHCP and you cannot have a proxy configured on your browser. Library staff cannot assist you in making changes to the devices network settings and/or hardware configuration, nor can the Library provide network cards for your use.

How do I connect?
In most cases, you should be able to connect with the wireless network by simply scanning for the network and opening up a browser to start surfing. Details on configuring your portal device for a wireless network may vary depending upon specific models, operating system, and wireless card. For specific information on how to configure or troubleshoot your wireless connection, you will need to refer to your device's documentation.

What is the SSID?
Connect to PUBLIC

Can I print from the wireless network?
No, there are no printers configured on the wireless network. To print, you will need to use one of the Library's public access computers.

Is the wireless network secured?
All wireless access users should have up-to-date virus protection on their laptop computers or wireless devices to assist in protecting them from harm.

Can I access the Library's catalog and electronic databases through the Wireless Network?
Yes, access to both the Library catalog and electronic databases are available through the Jefferson Parish website www.jplibrary.net. Due to varying network configurations at locations, you may or may not be required to enter your library card number for access.

What if I have problems? Can Library staff assist?
Library staff can not provide you technical assistance in configuring your device or troubleshooting wireless access problems. There is no guarantee that your wireless device will work with network. The Library assumes no responsibility for the safety or security of a patron's personal equipment resulting from the connection to the Library's wireless network.